Summer Scrap Elimination 2019: Week 6

Good morning Scrappers and welcome to the final week of the Summer Scrap Elimination. Today I am working from Nixa, Missouri at my family reunion, which means I am fighting a less than perfect internet connection and that's why I'm just a bit late getting this out to you.
This little photo is one of the late torch cactus blossoms in my yard at home in Arizona that bloomed right before I left for Missouri. Isn't it lovely?!
Today we are going to be making a 6 1/2" block that is just so cute and fun. The simplicity of the block makes it easy for anyone to make and fun for a variety of uses. I also like that it uses 1" strips, which makes it easy to cut for and easy to use smaller leftovers. To make this block you will need to cut several 1" strips of any length and a few 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" squares for block centers.

Begin with the 1 1/2" square.
I usually start with 3 or 4 squares at a time so I can chain piece several blocks at a time.
I like mostly bright colors for centers, but you can use any color and I occasionally throw in a dark one for variation.

Fold some of your strips in half lengthwise and press. You're going to use these for every other addition.
I like to press several of these at a time while they are still long strips and then subcut the strips as necessary.

Sub-cut one of your folded and pressed strips into four 1 1/2" lengths.
Using a scant 1/4" seam allowance, stitch two to either side of your 1 1/2" square.
Trim if necessary.
Turn and stitch two 1 1/2" lengths to the top and bottom of the squares.

Next sub-cut one of your unpressed strips into two 1" x 1 1/2" rectangles and two 1" x 2 1/2" rectangles.
Using a 1/4" seam allowance, stitch the 1" x 1 1/2" rectangles to either side and press toward the new pieces.
Stitch the 1" x 2 1/2" rectangles to the top and the bottom and press toward the new pieces.
Continue working outward, sub-cutting four new pieces of a folded strip to attach in the third round and four new pieces of an unpressed strip for the fourth round.
Alternate folded strips and unfolded strips, using a scant seam allowance with any addition of a folded strip and a 1/4" seam allowance with any unfolded strip.

To make a mug run sized block, stop when the block measures 5 1/2". Layer with a piece of batting or a piece of Timtex and a backing fabric. Stitch the edges with a satin stitch to finish.

This block also makes a beautiful pillow top. When I use them for pillows, I build them out to 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" and make as many of them as I need to match the pillow size.
If you choose a single color as the base color (green in my case) you can use almost any other color as the alternating color to complete the frames. The result gives you these beautiful 1/4" pieces without having to cut pieces that small. I love these super cute tiny blocks for a special project or decorative pillow.
I hope you have enjoyed the Summer Scrap Elimination this year! I certainly have. Next summer we'll be back with more ideas for you and hopefully some new tools to make your quilting life the very best it can be. Visit me on Facebook and keep up with all the new things we have to offer you this fall. Keep on Scrapping!