The Summer Scrap Elimination Project: Week 3
This week we are making a super cute table topper. While going through my scraps I found several 1" strips that were all left over from...

The Summer Scrap Elimination Project: Week 2
Good morning Scrappers! This week we are continuing to cut and stitch our way through our left overs and reduce the chance of bursting...

The Summer Scrap Elimination Project: Week 1
It's the first day of summer and here in Arizona and it is HOT, HOT, HOT! It's definitely time to hole up in my studio and make new...

Elementz Blog Hop
Swan Amity Studios Good morning Blog Hoppers and welcome to Swan Amity Studios and my beautiful Sonoran Desert in Southern Arizona! I am...

Flame ON!
Good morning quilters and welcome to Swan Amity Studios here in the beautiful Sonoran Desert! There are few places in the world more...

Chemical Attraction: Art in Everything
Chemical Attractions began as an accident of sorts. Way back in early 2016, I was asked to demo my applique method for a local group...

Divide and Conquer Quilting
Hooray! Your latest masterpiece quilt top is finished and you are ready to baste and quilt! This is the stage at which so many of us...